[title_box title=”BIOMASA FORESTAL” subtitle=”Biomasa Forestal, a Galician pellet manufacturer, is considered to be one of the biggest factories in Spain, both in terms of production and capacity. ” icon=”home1″ custom_class=”home1-title”]


[title_box title=”MANUFACTURE” subtitle=”Wood pellets are classified with an A in terms of energy efficiency. It is an available cost-effective, environmentally friendly source of energy, which makes it the best energy alternative. ” icon=”home2″ custom_class=”home1-title”]


[title_box title=”ENPLUS QUALITY PELLET” subtitle=”Biomasa Forestal produces ENPLUS A1 wood pellets from Galician biomass following the principles of the most demanding quality standards.” icon=”home3″ custom_class=”home1-title”]


[title_box title=”Noticias/Novedades” custom_class=”news-title”]
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[blog_box title=”El Blog del Pellet” subtitle=”Noticias – Consejos – Curiosidades” custom_class=”cons-title” href=”http://www.apropellets.com/blog/”]Descubre todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el mundo del pellet[/blog_box]

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